14th August, 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you all had a lovely, relaxing summer with your families and loved ones. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new P1 pupils and their families to our school community.

Parents Portal

If you have not already done so, can you please download the parents portal app and create an account for your child. This app will give you access to your child's attendance figures, annual data check and permission slips for outings and school visits. Once you have created a parents portal account for your child, you will then have access to a link in order to register for iPayimpact. Signing up for iPayimpact will allow you to view and order school lunches, pay for lunches, order and pay for milk for the term and pay for school trips. If you require any additional information, please pop into the school office and Mrs. Sneddon will be more than happy to support you in setting up any of these accounts and will also provide you with a link key for iPayimpact.


If your child has a particular health care need, requires to take medication on a regular basis or has an inhaler for asthma, please arrange to come in to the school office at some point this week to fill out the relevant forms for your child's health care requirement. All medication needs to be in the original box with a label clearly detailing the dose and frequency of the medication. Similarly, inhalers need to be in their original box with a clear label detailing the amount of puffs your child is required to take and the time between puffs. Can you please ensure that all medication is handed in to the school office as soon as possible please.

Indoor Shoes

Can you ensure that your child has a pair of indoor shoes that they can change into after being outside in the playground. The playground can become quite muddy at times and we do not want the children bringing the mud into the classrooms and spoiling carpets. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Meet the Teacher

Parents and carers have the chance to meet their child's class teacher next Thursday (22nd August) at 3pm. All parents and carers are most welcome to attend.

Term 1 and Term 2 Calendar

Please find attached calendar for term 1 and term 2 detailing parental events. Please note this calendar may be subject to change as other events may be added at a later date. However, please be assured that we will keep you well informed of any changes that are made to the calendar. I will also send out a weekly timetable on the school app and this will give you a breakdown of events happening in the school for that particular week.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working in partnership with you throughout the coming session.

Yours Sincerely,



Theresa McLaren

Head Teacher